Since September 2005 as Professor attached to Université de Lorraine/ENSIC, I have been teaching at the L3, M1 and M2 level for the engineeering schools ENSIC, EEIGM and three Master M2 programmes : the Master AMASE Advanced Master MAterials Science & Engineering, a master's degree certified as part of the European Erasmus Mundus program, the Master Process and Product Engineering, and the Master Bioware (training in English).
My teaching activities are in the following fields: Chemistry and physico-chemistry of polymers (Courses, Tutorials and Labwork), Polymer Degradation and Stabilization (Courses), Biopolymers and biodegradable polymers (Courses), Polymer Chemistry for Polymer Composites (Courses, Tutorials) and Physico-chemistry of polymers in solution (Courses, Tutorials).
Administrative Manager of the AMASE Master for the EEIGM (2005-2007), elected member of the ENSIC Council since 2008, responsible for 4 teaching units and 2 courses mainly at the M1/M2 level in the engineering schools ENSIC and EEIGM since 2005. Member of 13 Selection Committees of Academic staff members since 2009 (2 Lecturers, 11 Professors, including 11 Universities outside the UL).
Strong involvement in the development of new pedagogical practices and representative of these practices at ENSIC at the last CTI visit committee.
Member of the ENSIC working group "UL Mutacamp Project - Pedagogical Practical Methods" (2018-2021).
Member of the ENSIC Working Group "Skills" (2021-...).
Involvement in Continuing Education (various teaching programmes at university or industrial sites).
Development of teaching in English for initial and continuing education.
Main administrative responsabilities :
2005 – 2010 Assistant-Director of LCPM UMR CNRS-INPL 7568.
2006 - 2012 Coordination of the Project "Nano-structured polymers with specific functionalities" of the CNRS Research Federation 2863 Jacques Villermaux.
2008-2012 Nominated member of the CNRS National Committee of Research.
2005 -... Member of the LCPM executive board.
2008 – … Elected Member of the Executive Council of ENSIC.
Since the beginning of the career, (co)supervision of 11 PhD theses including 9 PhD thesis supervision, 3 post-doctorates, 26 research internships of DEA or Master Processes and Products Engineering M2, 10 research internships at the end of engineering studies and 6 other internships (DUT etc ...).
Auto-assembling and functional materials
Anne Jonquières graduated from the Chemical Engineering School ENSIC in 1991 and obtained her PhD from the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL),
Research key words : Synthesis and characterisation of new film-forming polymers. New polymeric membranes with controlled permeability. Structure-property relationships. Investigation of mass transfer in dense membranes. Membranes for the purification or recovery of biofuels. Membranes for CO2 separations including CO2 capture.
Researchgate :
- " 3-Chloro-4-nitrostyrene, a New Styrene Monomer: Synthesis and Free Radical Polymerization Reactivity compared to 4-Chloro-3-Nitrostyrene", A. Jonquières, D. Roizard et P. Lochon, Polymer Bulletin, 33, 389-395,1994.
- " Use of Empirical Polarity Parameters to describe Polymer-Liquid Interactions: Correlation of Polymer Swelling with Solvent Polarity in Binary and Ternary Systems", A. Jonquières, D. Roizard et P. Lochon, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 54, 1673-1684, 1994.
- " Polarity Measurements in Block Copolymers (PUI) and Correlation with their Pervaporation Features", A. Jonquières, D. Roizard, J. Cuny, A. Vicherat et P. Lochon, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 56, 1567-1579, 1995.
- " Contribution of Sorption to Global Mass Transfer Properties during Pervaporation of Ethyltertiobutylether/Ethanol Mixtures through a Polyurethaneimide Film", A. Jonquières, D. Roizard et P. Lochon, Journal of Chemical Society Faraday Transactions, 91, 1247-1251, 1995.
- " Mass Transfer Modelling of Pervaporation of Ethyltertiobutylether/Ethanol Mixtures through a Polyurethaneimide Film", A. Jonquières, R. Clément, D. Roizard et P. Lochon, Journal of Membrane Science, 109, 65-76, 1996.
- " Polymer Design for Pervaporation Membranes: Influence of the Soft Segment Length of Block Copolymers (Polyurethane -or urea- imides) on their Pervaporation Features”, A. Jonquières, D. Roizard et P. Lochon, Journal of Membrane Science, 118, 73-84, 1996 .
- " Solubility and Polarity Parameters for assessing Pervaporation and Sorption Properties. A critical Comparison for ternary Systems Alcohol/Ether/ Polyurethaneimide.", A. Jonquières, D. Roizard, J. Cuny et P. Lochon, Journal of Membrane Science, 121, 117-133, 1996.
- " Filled and unfilled composite GFT PDMS membranes for the recovery of butanols from diluted aqueous solutions: a correlative mass transfer analysis in terms of alcohol polarity", A. Jonquières et A. Fane, Journal of Membrane Science, 125, 245-255, 1997.
- " Modified BET Models for Modelling Water Vapour Sorption in Hydrophilic Glassy Polymers and Systems strongly deviating from Ideality", Jonquières et A. Fane, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 67, 1415-1430, 1998.
- " Modelling of Vapour Sorption in Polar Materials : Comparison of Flory-Huggins and related Models with the ENSIC Mechanistic Approach", A. Jonquières, L. Perrin, A. Durand, S. Arnold et P. Lochon, Journal of Membrane Science,147, 59-71, 1998.
- " Comparison of UNIQUAC with related models for modelling vapour sorption in polar materials", A. Jonquières, L. Perrin, S. Arnold et P. Lochon, Journal of Membrane Science, 150, 125-141,1998.
- "Design and preparation of highly selective membranes for the separation of alcohol/ether mixtures by pervaporation", D. Roizard, A. Jonquières, C. Léger, I. Noezar et J. Néel, Afinidad, 478, 422-431, 1998.
- "Alcohol/Ether separation by pervaporation. High performance membrane design", D. Roizard, A. Jonquières, C. Léger, I. Noezar, L. Perrin, Q. T. Nguyen, R. Clément, H. Lenda, P. Lochon et J. Néel, Separation Science and Technology, 34, 369-390, 1999.
- " Synthesis and characterization of new polyamideimides with a highly flexible block", A. Jonquières, A. Vicherat et P. Lochon, Journal of Polymer Science Part A : Polymer Chemistry, 37, 2873-2889, 1999.
- " Synthesis and characterization of new highly permeable polyamideimides from dianhydride monomers containing amide functions. Application to the purification of a fuel octane enhancer by pervaporation", A. Jonquières, C. Dole, R. Clément et P. Lochon, Journal of Polymer Science Part A : Polymer Chemistry,.38, 614-630, 2000.
- "Etat de l’art sur la pervaporation et la perméation de vapeur", R. Clément, A. Jonquières et P. Lochon, Rapport ADEME, n° de marché: 99-74-101, Paris, pp. 1-120, Septembre 2000 (Rapport public, disponible sur le site web de l’ADEME à l’adresse suivante : ).
- " From binary to ternary systems : general behaviour and modelling of membrane sorption in purely organic systems strongly deviating from ideality by UNIQUAC and related models", A. Jonquières, L. Perrin, S. Arnold, R. Clément et P. Lochon, Journal of Membrane Science, 174, 255-275, 2000.
- " Nouveaux polyamideimides hautement perméables pour les procédés de séparation par membranes denses", A. Jonquières, C. Dole, R. Clément et P. Lochon, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, Elaboration et traitements des matériaux, 15 (88), 161-168, 2001.
- " Des systèmes binaires aux systèmes ternaires: modéliser la sorption dans les membranes denses par UNIQUAC et des modèles dérivés", A. Jonquières, L. Perrin, S. Arnold et P. Lochon, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, Génie de la séparation, 15 (81), 61-68, 2001.
- " Pervaporation " R. Clément, A. Jonquières*, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, J2820 – p 1-15 , chapitre réalisé sur invitation de l’Éditeur, 2001.
- " Industrial state of the art of pervaporation and vapour permeation in the western countries", A. Jonquières, R. Clément, P. Lochon, M. Dresch et B. Chrétien, Journal of Membrane Science, 206, 87-117, 2002. (Review)
- " Permeability of block copolymers to vapours and liquids", A. Jonquières, R. Clément, P. Lochon, Progress in Polymer Science, 27, 1803-1877, 2002. (Review)
- " Controlled polymerization of functional monomers and synthesis of block copolymers using a b-phosphonylated nitroxide", T. Diaz, A. Fischer, A. Jonquières, A. Brembilla, P. Lochon, Macromolecules, 36, 2235-2241, 2003.
- " New film-forming polyurethaneimide cationomers containing quaternary ammonium groups", M. Awkal, A. Jonquières, G. Creffier, R. Clément, P. Lochon, Macromolecules, 37, 684-687, 2004.
- " Original structure-property relationships derived from a new modeling of diffusion of pure solvents through polymer membranes", R. Clément, A. Jonquières, I. Sarti, M. F. Sposata, M. A. Custal Teixidor, P. Lochon, Journal of Membrane Science, 232, 141-152, 2004.
- " Copolymerization of 1-vinylpyrrolidone with N-substituted methacrylamides: monomer reactivity ratios and copolymer sequence distributions", S. Touchal, A. Jonquières, R. Clément, P. Lochon, Polymer, 45, 8311-8322, 2004.
- " New film-forming poly(urethane-amide-imide) block copolymers: Influence of soft block on membrane properties for the purification of a fuel octane enhancer by pervaporation ", A. Jonquières, R. Clément, P. Lochon, European Polymer Journal, 41, 783-795, 2005.
- " Polyurethaneimides (PUIs) containing tertiary amine groups as precursors for original PUI cationomers", M. Awkal, A. Jonquières, R. Clément, P. Lochon, European Polymer Journal, 42, 1313-1324, 2006.
- “ Synthesis and characterization of film-forming poly(urethaneimide) cationomers containing quaternary ammonium groups”, M. Awkal, A. Jonquières, R. Clément, P. Lochon, Polymer, 47, 5724-5735, 2006.
- " A new macroinitiator for the synthesis of triblock copolymers PA12-b-PDMS-b-PA12" R. Rached, S. Hoppe, A. Jonquières, P. Lochon, F. Pla, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 102, 2818-2831, 2006.
- " Techniques de caractérisation des flux multicomposant à travers des matériaux barrières", C. Kanaan, R. Clément, H. Lenda, B. Brulé, P. Lochon, A. Jonquières, Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 93, P62 :1-8, 2006.
- " In-situ desorption in a 1H NMR tube: A simple method for determining membrane sorption selectivity", M. Awkal, A. Jonquières, O. Fabre, R. Clément, P. Lochon, Journal of Membrane Science, 286, 3-6, 2006.
- " Solubilité et gonflement dans les matériaux polymères", R. Clément, P. Lochon, A. Jonquières, Bulletin de l’Union des Professeurs de physique et de chimie (BUP), 100, 1391-1395, 2006.
- " Quelques exemples de copolymères statistiques d’intérêt industriel", A. Jonquières, Bulletin de l’Union des Professeurs de physique et de chimie (BUP), 100, 1425-1428, 2006.
- " An original automated desorption apparatus for measuring sorption properties of barrier polymer films", R. Clément, C. Kanaan, B. Brulé, H. Lenda, P. Lochon, A. Jonquières, Journal of Membrane Science, 302, 95-101, 2007.
- " New amphiphilic polyacrylamides : Synthesis and characterisation of pseudo-micellar organisation in aqueous media", Fatiha Bezzaoucha, Pierre Lochon, Anne Jonquières, Arnaud Fischer, Alain Brembilla, Driss Aïnad-Tabet, European Polymer Journal, 43, 4440-4452, 2007.
- " Morphology and dynamical behaviour of grafted copolymers”, S. Etienne, J. M. Hiver, M. Billy, A. Jonquières, R. Clément, I. Stevenson, E. Nikaj, L. David, Materials Science and Engineering Part A. Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing, vol. double 521-522, 259-262, 2009.
- " New ion-containing polyimides for the purification of bio-fuels by a membrane separation process", A. Jonquières, M. Awkal, R. Clément, P. Lochon, dans Polyimides and High Temperature Polymers: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications, éditeur: K. L. Mittal, Volume 5, Koninklijke Brill NV Edition, Leiden, 339-351, 2009.
- " Properties of new cationic amphiphilic polymers in hydro-alcoholic medium”, F. Bezzaoucha, P. Lochon, A. Jonquières, D. Aïnad-Tabet, A. Brembilla, A. Fischer, Polymer International, 58, 1390-1400, 2009.
- " Cellulose acetate-g-poly(methyl diethylene glycol methacrylate) copolymers with nano-structured architectures : Application to the purification of bio-fuels by pervaporation”, M. Billy, A. Ranzani Da Costa, P. Lochon, R. Clément, M. Dresch, A. Jonquieres, Journal of Membrane Science, 348, 389-396, 2010.
- " Cellulose acetate-g-poly(methyl diethylene glycol methacrylate) copolymers with nano-structured architectures : Synthesis and characterization”, M. Billy, A. Ranzani Da Costa, P. Lochon, M. Dresch, R. Clément, S. Etienne, J. M. Hiver, L. David, A. Jonquieres, European Polymer Journal, 46, 944-957, 2010.
- « Procédé de modélisation de perméation aux essences d'une structure polymère multicouches », Benoît Brulé, Jing Zhao, Anne Jonquières, Robert Clément, brevet français FR 2986616 (2013). Extension PCT Int. Appl. (2013) WO 2013117845. Demandes d'extension par pays (Europe, USA, Corée, Chine et Japon) déposées en 2014. Tous les brevets ou demandes d'extension ont été déposés par Arkema avec le CNRS et l’Université de Lorraine.
- “ Functional poly(urethane-imide)s containing Lewis bases for SO2 detection by Love surface acoustic wave gas micro-sensors” Ismaïl Ben Youssef, Halima Alem, Frédéric Sarry, Omar Elmazria, R. Jimenez Rioboo, Carole Arnal-Hérault, Anne Jonquières, Sensors and Actuators B,185, 309-320, 2013. (FI = 3.84)
- " Pervaporation " Anne Jonquières*, Carole Arnal-Hérault, Jérôme Babin, in Encyclopedia of Membrane Science and Technology, éditée par Eric M.V. Hoek et Volodymyr V. Tarabara, volume 3, pp. 1533-1559, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey, USA 2013. (sur invitation). DOI: 10.1002/9781118522318.emst092
- " Grafting of multi-block copolymers : A new strategy for improving membrane separation performance for ethyl tert-butyl (ETBE) bio-fuel purification by pervaporation ", Miao Wang, Carole Arnal-Hérault, Claire Rousseau, Aurélie Palenzuela, Jérôme Babin, Laurent David, Anne Jonquières, Journal of Membrane Science, 469, 31-42 (2014). DOI : 10.1016/j.memsci.2014.06.038 (FI = 4.9)
- “Permeability of EVOH Barrier Material used in Automotive Applications: Metrology Development for Model Fuel Mixtures”, Jing Zhao, Charbel Kanaan, Robert Clément, Benoît Brulé, Henri Lenda, Anne Jonquières, Oil & Gas Science and Technology – Rev. IFP Energies Nouvelles, 70, 353-366, 2015. (article invité dans un numéro spécial “Fluid/Polymer Interactions: Permeability and Durability” ) (FI 2012 = 1.26)
- "Grafting of cellulose and cellulose derivatives by CuAAC click chemistry" Faten Hassan Hassan Abdellatif, Jérôme Babin, Carole Arnal-Herault, Anne Jonquieres*, in "Cellulose-based Graft Copolymers : Structure and Chemistry", edited by Dr Vijay Kumar Thakur, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Publisher, Boca Raton, Florida, chapitre 25, pp. 569-597, 2015. (sur invitation). DOI: 10.1201/b18390-26
- “Grafting of cellulose acetate with ionic liquids for biofuel purification by a membrane process : Influence of the cation", Faten Hassan Hassan Abdellatif, Jérôme Babin, Carole Arnal-Herault, Laurent David, Anne Jonquieres, Carbohydrate Polymers, 147 (2016) 313-322. DOI: (FI = 4.1).
- “Multi-block copolymer grafting for butanol bio-fuel recovery by a sustainable membrane process", Shankarayya Vijay Kumar, Carole Arnal-Herault, Miao Wang, Jérôme Babin, Anne Jonquières, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8 (25), 16262–16272. (FI = 7.1)
- "Pseudopeptide bioconjugates additives for CO2 separation membranes", Xavier Solimando, Clément Lherbier, Jérôme Babin, Carole Arnal-Herault, Eugénie Romero, Samir Acherar, Brigitte Jamart-Gregoire, Danielle Barth, Denis Roizard, Anne Jonquieres, Polymer International, 2016, 65, 1464-1473. DOI: 10.1002/pi.5240 (FI = 2.4)
- "Bio-based membranes for ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) bio-fuel purification by pervaporation", Faten Hassan Hassan Abdellatif, Jérôme Babin, Carole Arnal-Herault, Cécile Nouvel, Jean-Luc Six, Anne Jonquieres, Journal of Membrane Science, 2017, 524, 449-459. (FI = 5.6).
- "Highly selective multi-block poly(ether-urea-imide)s for CO2/N2 separation : Structure-morphology-properties relationships", Xavier Solimando, Jérôme Babin, Carole Arnal-Herault, Miao Wang, Danielle Barth, Denis Roizard, Jean-Raphaël Doillon-Halmenschlager, Marc Ponçot, Isabelle Royaud, Pierre Alcouffe, Laurent David, Anne Jonquieres, Polymer, 131 (2017) 56-67, (FI = 3.7)
- "Grafting of cellulose acetate with ionic liquids for biofuel purification by a membrane process : Influence of the anion", Faten Hassan Hassan Abdellatif, Jérôme Babin, Carole Arnal-Herault, Laurent David, Anne Jonquieres, Carbohydrate Polymers, 196 (2018) 176-186. (FI = 4.8)
- " High performance bio-based membranes for biofuel purification by pervaporation", Anne Jonquieres*, Carole Arnal-Herault, Jérôme Babin, Magali Billy, Faten Hassan Hassan Abdellatif, in "Pervaporation : Process, Materials and Applications" , Jean Garcia (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers, chapitre 3, pp. 191-225 , 2019. (sur invitation). ISBN: 978-1-53614-459-8.
- “Pollin’air: un réseau de citoyens au service des personnes allergiques - Pollin’air: A network of citizens at the service of subjects with allergies”, M. Grégori, J. P. Schmitt, C.Pallarès, D. Rozenfarb, F. Pautz, K. Astafieff, K. Benkhelifa, G. Seznec, T. Mahevas, C. Wilcke, M. Bonnefoy, E. Gardeur, N. Honoré, S. Monict, A. Jonquières, M. Boulangé, G. Kanny, sentinelles Pollin’air, Revue Française d’Allergologie, 59 (2019) 533-542. (FI = 0.3)
"Pervaporation : des matériaux membranaires aux procédés et à leurs applications industrielles", C. Castel, E. Favre, S. Rode, E. Carretier, C. Arnal-Herault, R. Clément, A. Jonquières*, Techniques de l’Ingénieur, J2820 V2 – p 1-38, 2020. (sur invitation)
- “Experimental characterization of commercial and synthesized aromatic polyamide films for reverse osmosis membranes”, Xuefan Song, Wafa Guiga, Bernard Rousseau, Anne Jonquieres, Raphaël Weil, Marion Grzelka, Jehan Waeytens, Alexandre Dazzi, Diana Dragoe, Claire Fargues, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2021, 60(7), 2898-2910. (FI = 3.57).
- “Controlled grafting of multi-block copolymers for improving membrane properties for CO2 separation”, Xavier Solimando, Jérôme. Babin, Carole Arnal-Herault, Denis Roizard, Danielle Barth, Marc Ponçot, Isabelle Royaud, Pierre Alcouffe, Laurent David, Anne Jonquieres, Polymer, 255 (2022) 125164. (FI = 4.43).
- “New advanced design of CO2-philic copolymer membranes for CO2 capture”, Xavier Solimando, Jérôme. Babin, Carole Arnal-Herault, Denis Roizard, Danielle Barth, Marc Ponçot, Isabelle Royaud, Pierre Alcouffe, Laurent David, Anne Jonquieres, ESR Research Highlights 2022, (2023) pages 135-137.
- "Lysine-based 2:1-[α/aza]- pseudopeptide series used as additives in polymeric membranes for CO2 capture: synthesis, structural studies, and application", Mohamed I. A. Ibrahim, Xavier Solimando, Jacques Bodiguel, Jérôme Babin, Carole Arnal-Herault, Denis Roizard, Anne Jonquières, and Marie-Christine Averlant-Petit, RSC Advances, 13 (2023), 10051-10067. (FI = 4.036)
- “CO2 sorption of elastomer poly(ionic liquid)s with imidazolium cations having different alkyl chains: structure-morphology-property relationships and thermodynamic modelling by the PC-SAFT equation of state”, Anamaria Barrera Bogoya, Carole Arnal-Herault, Danielle Barth, Fabrice Mutelet, Bouchra Belaissaoui, Luis Pinilla Monsalve, Philippe Marchal, Yuki Tamura, Yuki Nakama, Shigetaka Hayano, Anne Jonquieres, Polymer, 308 (2024), 127415. https://doi-org/10.1016/j.polymer.2024.127415 (FI = 4.1)
- “New copolymer architecture for mixed matrix membranes with high loadings of ZIF-8 for enhanced CO2 permeability”, Carole Arnal-Herault, Ridha Ben Ammar, Denis Roizard, Bouchra Belaissaoui, Marc Ponçot, Isabelle Royaud, Anne Jonquieres, Industrial Engineering & Chemistry Research, 63 (2024), 14148-14164. (FI = 3.8)