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Journal Article
P. Inprakhon, Panlawan, P., Pongtharankul, T., Marie, E., Wiemann, L. O., Durand, A., et Sieber, V., « Toward one-pot lipase-catalyzed synthesis of poly(ε-caprolactone) particles in aqueous dispersion. », Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, vol. 113, p. 254-60, 2014.
P. Inprakhon, Panlawan, P., Pongtharankul, T., Marie, E., Wiemann, L. O., Durand, A., et Sieber, V., « Toward one-pot lipase-catalyzed synthesis of poly(ε-caprolactone) particles in aqueous dispersion. », Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, vol. 113, p. 254-60, 2014.
M. Richard, Felten, A. - S., Chrétien, çoise, Averlant-Petit, M. - C., et Pellegrini-Moïse, N., « Synthesis and conformational studies of short mixed γ/α-glycopeptides based on sugar γ 3,3 -amino acids », Tetrahedron, vol. 73, nᵒ 48, p. 6795 - 6804, 2017.
M. R. Radowski, Shukla, A., von Berlepsch, H., Böttcher, C., Pickaert, G., Rehage, H., et Haag, R., « Supramolecular aggregates of dendritic multishell architectures as universal nanocarriers. », Angew Chem Int Ed Engl, vol. 46, nᵒ 8, p. 1265-9, 2007.
M. Pernot, Vanderesse, R., Frochot, C., Guillemin, F., et Barberi-Heyob, M., « Stability of peptides and therapeutic success in cancer. », Expert Opin Drug Metab Toxicol, vol. 7, nᵒ 7, p. 793-802, 2011.
C. André, Legrand, B., Deng, C., Didierjean, C., Pickaert, G., Martinez, J., Averlant-Petit, M. Christine, Amblard, M., et Calmes, M., « (S)-ABOC: a rigid bicyclic β-amino acid as turn inducer. », Org Lett, vol. 14, nᵒ 4, p. 960-3, 2012.
N. Thomas, Pernot, M., Vanderesse, R., Becuwe, P., Kamarulzaman, E., Da Silva, D., François, A., Frochot, C., Guillemin, F., et Barberi-Heyob, M., « Photodynamic therapy targeting neuropilin-1: Interest of pseudopeptides with improved stability properties. », Biochem Pharmacol, vol. 80, nᵒ 2, p. 226-35, 2010.
L. BANNWARTH, ROSE, T., FRUTOS, S., GIRALT, E., Vanderesse, R., JAMART-GREGOIRE, B., VIDU, A., ONGERI, S., SICSIC, S., et PANNECOUQUE, C., « Peptidomimetic Dimerization Inhibitors of HIV-1 Protease: Further Insights into Structural Variations and Mechanism of Action », Antiviral Research, vol. 74, nᵒ 3, p. A64 - A64, 2007.
P. Sunintaboon, Pumduang, K., Vongsetskul, T., Pittayanurak, P., Anantachoke, N., Tuchinda, P., et Durand, A., « One-step preparation of chitosan/sodium dodecyl sulfate-stabilized oil-in-water emulsion of Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. oil extract », Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 414, p. 151 - 159, 2012.
P. Sunintaboon, Pumduang, K., Vongsetskul, T., Pittayanurak, P., Anantachoke, N., Tuchinda, P., et Durand, A., « One-step preparation of chitosan/sodium dodecyl sulfate-stabilized oil-in-water emulsion of Zingiber cassumunar Roxb. oil extract », Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 414, p. 151 - 159, 2012.
M. Abdellatif, Averlant-Petit, M. - C., Stefan, L., et Pickaert, G., « New C-terminal hydrazide L-Leucine derivatives as multi-solvent low molecular weight organogelators », Journal of Textiles, Coloration and Polymer Science, 2018.
J. Galindo-Alvarez, Sadtler, V., Marchal, P., Perrin, P., Tribet, C., Marie, E., et Durand, A., « Nanoemulsions with enhanced temperature stability using thermo-sensitive association of nonionic surfactant and amphiphilic polyelectrolytes », Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 396, p. 115 - 121, 2012.
D. Bechet, Auger, F., Couleaud, P., Marty, E., Ravasi, L., Durieux, N., Bonnet, C., Plénat, F., Frochot, C., Mordon, S., Tillement, O., Vanderesse, R., Lux, F., Perriat, P., Guillemin, F., et Barberi-Heyob, M., « Multifunctional ultrasmall nanoplatforms for vascular-targeted interstitial photodynamic therapy of brain tumors guided by real-time MRI », Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, vol. 11, nᵒ 3, p. 657 - 670, 2015.
D. Bechet, Auger, F., Couleaud, P., Marty, E., Ravasi, L., Durieux, N., Bonnet, C., Plénat, F., Frochot, C., Mordon, S., Tillement, O., Vanderesse, R., Lux, F., Perriat, P., Guillemin, F., et Barberi-Heyob, M., « Multifunctional ultrasmall nanoplatforms for vascular-targeted interstitial photodynamic therapy of brain tumors guided by real-time MRI », Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, vol. 11, nᵒ 3, p. 657 - 670, 2015.
F. Hansali, Poisson, G., Wu, M., Bendedouch, D., et Marie, E., « Miniemulsion polymerizations of n-butyl cyanoacrylate via two routes: towards a control of particle degradation. », Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, vol. 88, nᵒ 1, p. 332-8, 2011.
J. Galindo-Alvarez, Boyd, D., Marchal, P., Tribet, C., Perrin, P., Marie-Bégué, E., Durand, A., et Sadtler, V., « Miniemulsion polymerization templates: A systematic comparison between low energy emulsification (Near-PIT) and ultrasound emulsification methods », Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 374, nᵒ 1-3, p. 134 - 141, 2011.
K. Kaewprapan, Wongkongkatep, J., Panbangred, W., Phinyocheep, P., Marie, E., Durand, A., et Inprakhon, P., « Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of hydrophobically modified dextrans: activity and regioselectivity of lipase from Candida rugosa. », J Biosci Bioeng, vol. 112, nᵒ 2, p. 124-9, 2011.
K. Kaewprapan, Wongkongkatep, J., Panbangred, W., Phinyocheep, P., Marie, E., Durand, A., et Inprakhon, P., « Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of hydrophobically modified dextrans: activity and regioselectivity of lipase from Candida rugosa. », J Biosci Bioeng, vol. 112, nᵒ 2, p. 124-9, 2011.
P. Panlawan, Luangthongkam, P., Wiemann, L. O., Sieber, V., Marie, E., Durand, A., et Inprakhon, P., « Lipase-catalyzed interfacial polymerization of ω-pentadecalactone in aqueous biphasic medium: A mechanistic study », Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, vol. 88, p. 69 - 76, 2013.
S. Saktaweewong, Phinyocheep, P., Ulmer, C., Marie, E., Durand, A., et Inprakhon, P., « Lipase activity in biphasic media: Why interfacial area is a significant parameter? », Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, vol. 70, nᵒ 1-2, p. 8 - 16, 2011.
E. Rotureau, Tribet, C., Fouilloux, S., Marchal, P., Sadtler, V., Marie-Bégué, E., Durand, A., et Perrin, P., « Light-responsiveness of C12E6/polymer complexes swollen with dodecane. », J Phys Chem B, vol. 114, nᵒ 42, p. 13294-303, 2010.
K. Poltorak, Durand, A., le Leonard, M., Six, J. - L., et Nouvel, C., « Interfacial click chemistry for improving both dextran shell density and stability of biocompatible nanocapsules », Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 483, p. 8 - 17, 2015.
T. Giraud, Bouguet-Bonnet, S., Marchal, P., Pickaert, G., Averlant-Petit, M. - C., et Stefan, L., « Improving and fine-tuning the properties of peptide-based hydrogels via incorporation of peptide nucleic acids », Nanoscale, vol. 12, nᵒ 38, p. 19905 - 19917, 2020.
