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D. Bechet, Auger, F., Couleaud, P., Marty, E., Ravasi, L., Durieux, N., Bonnet, C., Plénat, F., Frochot, C., Mordon, S., Tillement, O., Vanderesse, R., Lux, F., Perriat, P., Guillemin, F., et Barberi-Heyob, M., « Multifunctional ultrasmall nanoplatforms for vascular-targeted interstitial photodynamic therapy of brain tumors guided by real-time MRI », Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, vol. 11, nᵒ 3, p. 657 - 670, 2015.
D. Bechet, Auger, F., Couleaud, P., Marty, E., Ravasi, L., Durieux, N., Bonnet, C., Plénat, F., Frochot, C., Mordon, S., Tillement, O., Vanderesse, R., Lux, F., Perriat, P., Guillemin, F., et Barberi-Heyob, M., « Multifunctional ultrasmall nanoplatforms for vascular-targeted interstitial photodynamic therapy of brain tumors guided by real-time MRI », Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, vol. 11, nᵒ 3, p. 657 - 670, 2015.
F. Hansali, Poisson, G., Wu, M., Bendedouch, D., et Marie, E., « Miniemulsion polymerizations of n-butyl cyanoacrylate via two routes: towards a control of particle degradation. », Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, vol. 88, nᵒ 1, p. 332-8, 2011.
J. Galindo-Alvarez, Boyd, D., Marchal, P., Tribet, C., Perrin, P., Marie-Bégué, E., Durand, A., et Sadtler, V., « Miniemulsion polymerization templates: A systematic comparison between low energy emulsification (Near-PIT) and ultrasound emulsification methods », Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, vol. 374, nᵒ 1-3, p. 134 - 141, 2011.
