Maitre de conférences
Axes et thématiques




Team - 2019

Photo-Polymerization induced self-assembly

Encapsulation of QDs in photo-cross-linked micelles

Team - 2019

Smart nanocarriers for drug delivery

Glycopolymer synthesis

Education and experience:

Recently, I have developed a strong interest in applying artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques to automate polymer synthesis and predict their physicochemical properties.

I received my PhD in polymer chemistry in 2013 from the University of Lorraine, where I mastered the art of (co)polymer design. From 2013 to 2014, I joined the IMMM (University of Maine) as a postdoctoral researcher, where I gained extensive experience in colloid science and light scattering techniques. Seeking to broaden my expertise at the interface of macromolecules and biomedicine, I moved to LCPO (University of Bordeaux) for a second postdoctoral fellowship. Over the course of 18 months, I worked on the self-assembly of copolymers and lipids to produce biomimetic vesicles, which can serve as nanocarriers for drug/gene delivery and as cell models.

Currently, I am Associate Professor at ENSIC and a researcher at LCPM. I obtained my Habilitation to Supervise Research (HDR) in 2022, focusing on the preparation of polysaccharide-based nano-objects using the photo-RAFT Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly (photo-RAFT PISA) methodology.



Teaching and administrative activities:
Polymer Science and organic synthesis at different levels (Bachelor and Master), mainly at two Schools of Engineers (ENSIC and EEIGM) - Lorraine University.


Pedagogical coordinator of the Master program "Products Environment Resources Energy (PERSEE)"


Research activity:

- Colloids and nanoobjects formulation via in-situ Polymerization Induced Self-Assembly (PISA).
- Macromolecular synthesis by controlled radical polymerization (ATRP, RAFT, PET-RAFT,...).
- Photo-RAFT polymerization.
- Polysaccharides modification and glycopolymers synthesis.
- Functional and sensitive polymers (pH, photo, thermal and redox).
- Physical-chemistry (light scattering) and amphiphiles self-assembly.
- Therapeutic nanotechnologies, drug-Delivery, biomaterials.
- Organic Chemistry.

<Watch a photo-PISA in water>


Memberships, editorial and review activities: 

- French Polymer Group (GFP). President of the East section (2022-...). 

- French Chemical Society (SCF).

Advisory Board of Polymers.

- Guest Editor for Polymers, special issue “Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly, PISA” (2021).

- Guest Editor for Polymers, special issue “Glycopolymers and Polysaccharide-based Copolymers” (2019).

- Referee for many scientific journals: 

- Expert for French National Research Agency (2022), ACS Petroleum Research Fund (2021) and Czech Academy of Sciences (2020).



Selection of recent publications:

- Progress in Aqueous Dispersion RAFT PISA, D. Ikkene, J-L. Six and K. Ferji, European Polymer Journal, 2023, In press.

Multicompartment Vesicles: A Key Intermediate Structure in Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly of Graft Copolymers, D. Ikkene, A.A. Arteni, C. Boulogne, J-L. Six, K. Ferji*, Macromolecules, 2022, 55, 11, 4268–4275.

Abstract Image

-Direct Access to Polysaccharide-Based Vesicles with a Tunable Membrane Thickness in a Large Concentration Window via Polymerization-Induced Self-Assembly, D. Ikkene, A.A. Arteni, M. Ouldali, G. Francius, A. Brûlet, J-L. Six, K. Ferji*, Biomacromolecules, 2021, 22, 3128-3137

Abstract Image
-Mechanistic Insights into Oxygen Tolerance of Graphitic Carbon Nitride-Mediated Heterogeneous Photoinduced Electron Transfer-Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer PolymerizationE. Fonseca, B. Chouchen, J-L. Six, R. Schneider, K. Ferji*, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2021, 3, 7, 3649–3658
Abstract Image


-Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Copolymers Containing Polysaccharide: PISA versus Nanoprecipitation, and the Temperature Effect, D. Ikkene, A.A. Arteni, M. Ouldali, J-L. Six, K. Ferji*, Polymers Chemistry, 2020,11, 4729-4740
-Synthesis of Thermoresponsive Copolymers with Tunable UCST-Type Phase Transition Using Aqueous Photo-RAFT PolymerizationP. Lertturongchai, M. I. A. Ibrahim, A. Durand, P. Sunintaboon, and K. Ferji*, Macromol. Rapid Commun. 41, 2020, 2000058.
UCST; LCST; photopolymerization; ferji; light scattering; micelle; LCPM; polymersome


-Effect of Tertiary Amines on the Photoinduced Electron Transfer-Reversible Addition–Fragmentation Chain Transfer (PET-RAFT) Polymerization, Nomeir, B., Fabre, O. and Ferji, K.* Macromolecules52, 18, 2019, 6898–6903.

PET-RAFT; photopolymerization; ferji; light scattering; micelle; LCPM; polymersome

-Polymerization induced self-assembly: an opportunity toward the self-assembly of polysaccharide-containing copolymers into high-order morphologiesSix, J-L., Ferji, K.* Polymer Chemistry, 2019,10, 45-53 (review).

-In situ glyco-nanostructure formulation via photo-polymerization induced self-assembly, FERJI, K.*; Venturini, P.; , Cleymand, Chassenieux, C. Six, J-L. Polymer chemistry, 2018,9, 2868-2872.

Graphical cover of Polymer Chemistry (issue 21 - 2018).





Dr. M. IBRAHIM (2019-2020)

PhD students:

Dr. D. IKKENE (2018-2021)

H. WAN (2019-……) 

J.OUMERRI (2021-..……)

E. FRANCISCA (2021-……)

S. NIANG (2021-………)

MASTER 2 Students:

B. NOMEIR (2019)



C. CORSIN (2020)

S. NIANG (2021) 

Y. SUN (2022)



MASTER 1 students:

L. BARBIER (2017)

L. CASES (2017)

M. COT-AURIOL (2017)

P. SEVEUR (2018)


A. EL ABBASSI (2018) 

S. AHMED TIDIANE (2019)    


A. JEGOUX (2019)

A. Lange (2021)

B. Fauchet (2021)

L. Diot (2022)










Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech (UCAM) - MBLA  




Lieu de travail
Ecole Nationale supérieure des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC)