Maitre de conférences HDR
Responsabilités pédagogiques


Teaching Activity


From 2002 to 2004, Samir Acherar taught Physical Chemistry (75 hours, B. Sc. level) at Paul Cezanne University (Marseilles, France) during his PhD period. In 2006-2007, he provided General and Organic Chemistry, and Molecular Modelling courses (214 hours, B. Sc. and M. Sc. levels) at  University of Paris-Sud XI (Orsay, France) as Temporary Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry. Since 2007, Samir Acherar has been teaching General and Organic Chemistry courses (B. Sc. and M. Sc. levels) at the "Université de Lorraine" (Nancy, France) and specifically at the Faculty of Science and Technology and different French National Engineering Schools (ENSIC, EEIGM and ENSGSI).

Since September 2024, Samir Acherar is responsible of the “amino acids-peptides, sugars, heterochemistry" teaching unit of the Master of Chemistry (track "Organic Synthesis, Bioactive and Biosourced Molecules" (SOMBio in french)) (Master 1).

Responsabilités administratives


Administrative Responsabilities and Expertise


  • International Expert for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) - Evaluation of a full proposal project submitted in 2025.
  • International Expert for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - Evaluation of a grant application submitted in 2025.
  • Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS - MDPI) since 2024.
  • International Expert for the Higher Education and Science Committee (HESC) of the Republic of Armenia - Evaluation of a full proposal project submitted to the "Consolidator Grant for Research Units - 2024" call in 2024.
  • Member of the Topical Advisory Panel for International Journal of Molecular Sciences (MDPI) since 2024.
  • Guest Editor of the Special Issue on "Solid-Phase Peptides: Syntheses and Applications" in the journal International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IF 5.6) in 2024-2025 (
  • National Expert for the Toulouse Initiative for Research Impact on Society (TIRIS) - Evaluation of a full proposal project submitted to the "Scaling-up science program" in 2024.
  • International Expert for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) - Evaluation of a full proposal project submitted to the "Principal Investigator Projects" funding program in 2024.
  • National Expert for the French Agency of Biomedicine - Evaluation of a full proposal project submitted to the call for research tenders "Research and Transplantation 2024" in 2024.
  • Member of the Executive Board of the LCPM Laboratory since 02/2024.
  • Main Topic Editor of the Special Issue on "Recent Advances in Medical Radiation Technology" in the journal Frontiers in Chemistry (IF 5.545) in 2023.
  • International Expert for the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) - Evaluation of an applicant wishing to become an Associate member (AMRSC) in 2023.
  • National Expert for the ANR (Funding Agency of Research) - Evaluation of two full proposal projects (Phase 2) in 2023.
  • Member of the Recruitment Jury for an Assistant Professor position at Aix-Marseille University in 2023.
  • Innovation focal point for the LCPM Laboratory at the Chemical Institute of CNRS since December 2022.
  • Member of the Local Scientific Committee and Chairman of the PDT School session of the international “Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnosis Update” conference in Nancy, France (October 24-28, 2022).
  • Reviewer in a PhD Committee at Clermont Auvergne University in 2022.
  • First aid rescue worker at LCPM Laboratory (certified since 2021).
  • Member of the Recruitment Jury for an Assistant Professor position at University of Limoges in 2021.
  • Reviewer in two PhD Committees at Aix-Marseille University and University of Lille in 2021.
  • Overseas Research Supervisor with Kazakh National Research Technical University (KazNRTU) named after K.I. Satpayev (Bibigul KENZHEBAYEVA, PhD student, 2020-2021).
  • "Targeted Peptides and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)" theme leader at LCPM since 2017.
  • Tail leader at LCPM Laboratory during emergency evacuation procedures since 2017.
  • Overseas Research Supervisor with Amar Telidji University (Laghouat, Algeria) (Amina BEN MIHOUB, PhD student, 2016-2018).
  • Member of the Local Scientific Committee of the international “Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnosis Update” conference in Nancy, France (October 24-28, 2016).
  • President of the general baccalaureate juries for the September 2014 session (H. Poincaré college) in Nancy, France (September 17-19, 2014).
  • Organizer and Chairman of the LCPM's seminars with the participation of French and Foreign guest speakers (2010-2019).





  • maturation project funded by SATT SAYENS (2024-2026).
  • 1 PhD fellowship co-funded by Région Grand-Est & Nancyclotep (2023-2026).
  • 1 PhD fellowship co-funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (2023-2026)
  • 1 PhD fellowship co-funded by the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation & Nancyclotep (2019-2022).
  • 1 Project 911 Vietnamese Government PhD Scholarship (2017-2020).
  • 9 Grants for hosting foreign PhD students (since 2016 Tunisia ; 2016-2018 Algeria ; 2019, 2020 and 2023 Kazakhstan).
  • 3 Post-doctoral fellowhips (2009-2010, 2014-2015 and 2016-2017) co-funded by Lorraine Region & University of Lorraine.



  • 1 Emergence project (2025) funded by B4B LUE program
  • 1 Moonshot Project (PEPR LUMA) - « Axis 4: Health / Light and molecular targets for the phototherapies of tomorrow »  funded by  the « France 2030 » Investment Plan (2024-2028) .
  • 1 PCSI 2023, ITMO Cancer - « Approches interdisciplinaires des processus oncogéniques et perspectives thérapeutiques : Apports de la physique, de la chimie et des sciences de l’ingénieur à l’oncologie » funded by the the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) (2023-2026).
  • 1 PLBIO 2021 – « Biologie et Sciences du Cancer » funded by the National Institut of Cancer (INCa) (2022-2023).
  • 1 Euronanomed III Project (2021-2024) funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR).
  • 1 Malaysia France Bilateral Research Collaboration 2021 (MATCH 2021)  funded by Campus France Malaysia (2021-2022).
  • 1 Start-Airr project (2021) funded by I-SITE Université Lille Nord-Europe.
  • 1 Interdisciplinary project (2021) funded by University of Lorraine.
  • 2 Mirabelle+ Projects (2017-2019, 2019-2021) funded by the Lorraine Université d'Excellence (LUE).
  • 2 Post-doctoral fellowhips (2019-2020) funded by the Lorraine Université d'Excellence (LUE).
  • 2 Incitation Projects (2019) funded by the Lorraine Université d'Excellence (LUE).
  • 1 Interregional tenders 2015, Grand-Est Region and Conference “Interregional Coordination” of the Grand-Est (CCIR) (2015-2017) funded by the French League Against Cancer.
  • 1 Emergence Project of the Grand-Est Cancer Research Institute (2014).
  • 1 National Cancer Institute (INCA) Project (2011-2014).
  • 2 Euronanomed II Projects (2014-2017, 2015-2018) funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR).
  • 1 Post-doctoral fellowhip (2008-2009) funded by Lorraine Region and University of Lorraine.


Local, National and International Collaborations



  • LRGP (Dr. C. Frochot).
  • CRAN (Pr. M. Barberi-Heyob, Dr. C. Boura).
  • NANCYCLOTEP (Pr. G. Karcher, Dr. C. Collet).
  • LIBio (Pr. E. Arab-Tehrany).
  • DCAC (Dr. F. Yen Potin)
  • URAFPA (Dr. C. Malaplate-Armand).
  • CITHEFOR (Dr. F. Dupuis, Dr. F. Reynaud).
  • CALBINOTOX (Dr. K. Maguin Gaté).
  • L2CM (Dr. M. Boisbrun, Dr. F. Dumarcay, Dr. M. Varbanov).



  • MEDyC (Dr. J. Devy, Reims).
  • ONCO-THAI (Pr. N. Delhem, Dr. O. Morales, Lille).
  • ILM (Pr. O. Tillement, Pr. F. Lux, Lyon).
  • CRAB (Pr. G. Audran and Pr. S. Marque, Marseille).
  • ICMV (Dr. P. Le Grel, Rennes).




Membership of Scientific Societies



Expertise Activities


Manuscript and Proposal Book reviewer in the peer review process for various Journals and Publishers (ACS, RSC, Wiley, Elsevier, MDPI, Bentham Science, DovePress).


Galerie photo
Lutter contre le cancer avec le ciblage moléculaire
Photodynamic Therapy and Photodiagnosis Update 2016
Encadrement de thèses


PhD Supervision and Co-Supervision


  • Souleymane SARR (2024-2027) - Official supervisor
  • Benjamin COQUELLE (2023-2026) - Official supervisor
  • Abir DHIMEN (2023-2026) - Official supervisor
  • Laurène WAGNER (2019-2022) - Official supervisor - 2024 thesis prize of Université de Lorraine
  • Hong-Ngoc PHAM (2017-2020) - Official supervisor
  • Ludivine LARUE (2017-2020) - Official co-supervisor
  • Meriem EL FOUNI (2014-2018) - Unofficial co-supervisor
  • Amirah MOHD GAZZALI (2013-2016) - Unofficial co-supervisor
  • Eugénie ROMERO (2012-2015) - Official co-supervisor
  • Ralph-Olivier MOUSSODIA (2008-2012) - Official co-supervisor


Hosting Foreign PhD Students


  • Ameni LASSOUED (2024) - Tunisia
  • Hayfa MKACHER (2020-2021) - Tunisia
  • Bibigul KENZHEBAYEVA (2020-2021) - Kazakhstan
  • Rabiga KUDAIBERGENOVA (2019 and 2023) - Kazakhstan
  • Amina BEN MIHOUB (2016-2018) - Algeria
  • Chadlia MCHIRI (2016-2017) - Tunisia


Axes et thématiques

Samir Acherar was born on July 11, 1977 in Algiers (Algeria) and he settled at an early age with his parents and siblings in Marseilles (France). He did his university education in Chemistry at Paul Cezanne University in the same city. After receiving his Diploma in General Studies of Chemistry (DEUG, second in his class), B.Sc. degree (first in class) and M.Sc. with honours, Samir’s passion for organic chemistry led him to complete a PhD in the Selective Organic Reactivity (ROS) Laboratory under the supervision of Pr. H. Monti and Dr. G. Audran. His PhD project was defended in May 2004 with highest honours and dealt with the enantioselective synthesis of carbasugars and natural products starting from enantiopure building blocks obtained by enzymatic resolution of five-membered ring ketones.

Samir Acherar began his scientific career as postdoctoral researcher in the research groups led by Pr. G. Deslongchamps at New Brunswick University (Fredericton, Canada) from July 2004 until July 2005 and Dr. F.-X. Felpin at the University of Bordeaux I (Talence, France) from February 2006 until August 2006 to work respectively on the hemisynthesis of taxane derivatives and total synthesis of natural products of therapeutic value.

He started out on his teaching career as temporary Assistant Professor of Chemistry from September 2006 until August 2007 at the University of Paris-Sud XI (Orsay, France) with a research project conducted in the research group led by Pr. M.-C. Scherrmann relating to the total synthesis of high loading capacity PEG-based supports. In September 2007, he joined the Faculty of Science and Technology of the "Université de Lorraine" (UL) at Nancy (France) as an Assistant Professor of Organic Chemistry with a research conducted at the "Laboratoire de Chimie Physique Macromoléculaire" (LCPM, UMR CNRS-UL 7375).

In 2017, Samir Acherar obtained his Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR) in Chemistry from the University of Lorraine (Associate Professor) and became "Targeted Peptides and Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)" theme leader at LCPM.

His current research focuses on the synthesis and conformational behaviour of new pseudopeptides (Foldamers) containing bis-nitrogen analogues of α-amino acids as well as on the solid phase peptide synthesis (SPPS) of peptide-targeting agents for biological applications (targeted anticancer PDT, Selective Positron Emission Tomography (PET) tracers for imaging tumors, Alzheimer's prevention, cardiovascular disease...).

Scientific Production (total of 67)

  • Articles & Book Chapters: 64 (61 & 3)
  • Editorial Articles: 1
  • Outreach Articles: 2




Autres Publications


Outreach Articles



[2] "Vers une nouvelle thérapie lumineuse pour vaincre le cancer de l’ovaire". S. Acherar, N. Delhem, C. Frochot, CNRS Ingéniérie 2025.



[1] "Lutter contre le cancer avec le ciblage moléculaire". S. Acherar, C. Frochot, C. Collet, The Conversation 2018.


Editorial Articles



[1] S. Acherar (2024). "Editorial: Recent advances in medical radiation technology". Front. Chem., 12, 1360379.


Articles & Book Chapters



[64] H. Mkacher, R. Chaâbane-Banaoues, S. Hrichi, P. Arnoux, H. Babba, C. Frochot, H. Nasri, S. Acherar (2025). "Synthesis, Physicochemical Properties and Anti-Fungal Activities of New Meso-Arylporphyrins". Int. J. Mol. Sci., 26, 1991 (Invitation, No APC).

[63] H. Mkacher, B. Gassoumi, N. Ehouda Dardouri, S. Nasri, F. Loiseau, F. Molton, T. Roisnel, I. Turowska-Tyrk, H. Ghala, S. Acherar, H. Nasri (2025). "Photophysical, cyclic voltammetry, electron paramagnetic resonance, X-ray molecular structure, DFT calculations and molecular docking study of a new Mn(III) metalloporphyrin". J. Mol. Struct., 1319, 139455.



[62] C. Delaitre, M. Boisbrun, S. Acherar, A. Dias, A. Kleinclauss, M. Achard, M. Colin, T.M. Nguyen, N. Humbert, K. Chmeis, K. Martinez, N. Gilles, P. Robin, S. Lecat, F. Dupuis (2024). "Synthesis and pharmacological characterization of fluorescent ligands targeting the angiotnsin II receptors derived from agonist, β-arrestin-biased agonist and antogonist". J. Med. Chem., 67, 20275–20297.

[61] L. Boidin, M. Moinard, A. Moussaron, M. Merlier, O. Moralès, G. P. Grolez, M. Baydoun, A. Mohd Gazzali, H. D. Hassan Hadi Abd Allah, Y. Kerbage, P. Arnoux, S. Acherar, C. Frochot, N. Delhem (2024). "Targeted photodynamic therapy using a Vectorized photosensitizer coupled to folic acid analog induces ovarian tumor cell death and inhibits IL-6-mediated inflammation". J. Control. Release, 371, 351-370.



[60] A. Ben Mihoub, K. Elkhoury, J. Nel, S. Acherar, E. Velot, C. Malaplate, M. Linder, S. Latifi, C. Kahn, M. Huguet, F. T. Yen, E. Arab-Yehrany (2023). "Neuroprotective Effect of Curcumin-Loaded RGD Peptide-PEGylated Nanoliposomes". Pharmaceutics, 15, 2665 (Invitation, No APC).

[59] Y.T. Ung, E.K.W. Tan, K.P. Beh, M. Vikneswaran, M.A. Zabidi, S. Acherar, C. Frochot, A. Mohd Gazzali (2023). "Synthesis of Graphene-based Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications – a Mini-review". Philipp. J. Sci., 152, 1939-1952.

[58] I. Goudiaby, T.E. Malliavin, E. Mocchetti, S. Mathiot, S. Acherar, C. Frochot, M. Barberi-Heyob, B. Guillot, F. Favier, C. Didierjean, C. Jelsch (2023). "New Crystal Form of Human Neuropilin-1 b1 Fragment with Six Electrostatic Mutations Complexed with KDKPPR Peptide Ligand". Molecules, 28, 5603 (Invitation, No APC).

[57] L. Wagner, R. Losantos, K. Selmeczi, C. Frochot, G. Karcher, A. Monari, C. Collet, S. Acherar (2023). "Design and synthesis of a new bifunctional chelatig agent: Application for Al18F/177Lu complexation". J. Inorg. Biochem., 246, 112267.

[56] G. Sugurbekova, E. Nagyzbekkyzy, A. Sarsenova, G. Danlybayeva, S. Anuarbekova, R. Kudaibergenova, C. Frochot, S. Acherar, Y. Zhatkanbayev, N. Moldagulova (2023). "Sewage Sludge Management and Application in the Form of Sustainable Fertilizer". Sustainability, 15, 6112.

[55] L. Lerouge, M. Gries, A. Chateau, J. Daouk, F. Lux, P. Rocchi, J. Cedervall, A.-K. Olsson, O. Tillement, C. Frochot, S. Acherar, N. Thomas, M. Barberi-Heyob (2023). "Targeting glioblastoma-associated macrophages for photodynamic therapy using AGuIX®-design nanoparticles". Pharmaceutics, 15, 997 (Invitation, No APC).

[54] J. Nel, K. Elkhoury, E. Velot, A. Bianchi, S. Acherar, G. Francius, A. Tamayol, S. Grandemange, E. Arab-Tehrany (2023). "Functionalized liposomes for targeted breast cancer drug delivery". Bioact. Mater., 24, 401-437.

[53] L. Larue, B. Kenzhebayeva, M. G. Al-Thiabat, V. Juan-Hureaux, A. Mohd-Gazzali, H. A. Wahab, C. Boura, G. Yeligbayeva, U. Nakan, C. Frochot, S. Acherar (2023). "tLyp–1: a peptide suitable to target NRP–1 receptor". Bioorg. Chem., 130, 106200.



[52] B. Dhaini, L. Wagner, M. Moinard, J. Daouk, P. Arnoux, H. Schohn, P. Schneller, S. Acherar, T. Hamieh, C. Frochot (2022). "Importance of rose bengal loaded with nanoparticles for photodynamic anti-cancer therapy". Pharmaceuticals, 15, 1093 (Invitation, No APC).

[51] M. Moinard, J. Augustin, M. Carrier, E. Da Maïa, A. Penel, J. Belghiti, M. Nikpayam, C. Gonthier, G. Canlorbe, S. Acherar, N. Delhem, C. Frochot, C. Uzan, H. Azaïs (2022). "Residual microscopic peritoneal metastases after macroscopic complete cytoreductive surgery for advanced high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma: a target for folate receptor targeted photodynamic therapy?". Pharmaceuticals, 15, 1034 ((Invitation, No APC)).

[50] L. Wagner, B. Kenzhebayeva, B. Dhaini, S. Boukhlef, A. Moussaron, S. Mordon, C. Frochot, C. Collet, S. Acherar (2022). "Folate-based radiotracers for nuclear imaging and radionuclide therapy". Coord. Chem. Rev. , 470, 214702.

[49] C. Mchiri, B. Gassoumi, H. Ghalla, S. Acherar, I. Turowska-Tyrke, A. Y.A. Alzahrani, S. Ben Moussa, H. Nasri (2022). "New cadmium(II) porphyrin-based coordination dimer: Experimental and theoretic studies". J. Solid State Chem., 314, 123364.

[48] C. Mchiri, H. Edziri, H. Hajji, M. Bouachrine, S. Acherar, C. Frochot, H. O. Badr Eldine, S. Ben Moussa, H. Nasri (2022). "2-Aminopyridine Cadmium (II) meso-chlorophenylporphyrin coordination compound. Photophysical properties, X-ray molecular structure, antimicrobial activity, and molecular docking analysis". J. Chem. Sci., 133, 22.

[47] R. Kudaibergenova, O. Ualibek, E. Sugurbekov, G. Demeuova, C. Frochot, S. Acherar, G. Sugurbekova (2022). "Reduced graphene oxide-based superhydrophobic magnetic nanomaterial as high selective and recyclable sorbent for oil/organic solvent wastewater treatment". Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol., 19, 8491-8506.



[46] A. Moussaron, V. Juan-Hureaux, C. Collet, J. Pierson, N. Thomas, L. Choulier, N. Veran, M. Doyen, P. Arnoux, F. Maskali, D. Dumas, S. Acherar, M. Barberi-Heyob, C. Frochot (2021). "Preliminary study of new gallium-68 radiolabeled peptide targeting NRP-1 to detect brain metastases by Positron Emission Tomography". Molecules, 26, 7273.

[45] C. Mchiri, B. Gassoumi, S. Acherar, M. El-Sharief, H. Nasri (2021). "Synthesis, X-ray molecular structure and QTAIM and NCI-RDG theoretic studies of a new Cadmium (II) (4’4 diaminodiphenylmethane) (meso-arylporphyrin) coordination compound". Inorg. Chem. Commun., 133, 108924.

[44] B. Dhaini, B. Kenzhebayeva, A. Ben-Mihoub, M. Gries, S. Acherar, F. Baros, N Thomas, J. Daouk, H. Schohn, T. Hamieh, C. Frochot (2021). "Peptide-conjugated nanoparticles for targeted Photodynamic therapy". Nanophotonics, 10, 3089-3134 (Invitation, No APC).

[43] H.-N. Pham, A. Arrault, N. Vanthuyne, S. Acherar (2021). "Multigram-scale HPLC enantioseparation as a rescue pathway for circumventing racemization problem during enantioselective synthesis of ethyl 3,4-dihydro-2H-1,4-benzoxazine-2-carboxylate". Chirality, 33, 324-336.

[42] A. Ben Mihoub, S. Acherar, C. Frochot, C. Malaplate, F. T. Yen, E. Arab-Tehrany (2021). "Synthesis and in vitro evaluation of a new water soluble β-cyclodextrin@Curcumin conjugates as new candidates for reducing risk of neurodegenerative diseases". Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22, 3255 (Invitation, No APC).

[41] M. El Founi, H. Laraoui, B. S. B. Canup, J. S. Ametepe, R. Vanderesse, S. Acherar, J. Babin, K. Ferji, I. Chevalot, J.-L. Six (2021). "Doxorubicin Intracellular Release via External UV Irradiation of dextran-g-poly(o-nitrobenzyl acrylate) Photosensitive Nanoparticles". ACS Appl. Bio Mater., 4, 2742-2751.

[40] L. Larue, T. Moussounda Moussounda Koumba, N. Le Breton, B. Vileno, P. Arnoux, V. Jouan-Hureaux, C. Boura, G. Audran, R. Bikanga, S. Marque, S. Acherar, C. Frochot (2021). "The design of a targeting and oxygen-independent platform to improve Photodynamic Therapy: A proof of concept". ACS Appl. Bio Mater., 4, 1330-1339.

[39] B. Myrzakhmetov, P. Arnoux, S Mordon, S. Acherar, I. Tsoy, C. Frochot (2021). "Photophysical Properties of Protoporphyrin IX, Pyropheophorbide-a and Photofrin® in Different Conditions". Pharmaceuticals, 14, 138.

[38] C. Mchiri, A. Ouakouak, S. Nasri, A. Jedidi, I. Turowska-Tyrk, S. Acherar, C. Frochot, T. Roisnel, H. Nasri (2021). "DABCO cadmium(II) tetrakis(4-methoxyphenyl)porphyrin complex - Structure, photophysical properties, and absorption removal of methylene blue dye". Inorg. Chim. Acta, 515, 120046.



[37] M. Gries, N. Thomas, J. Daouk, P. Rocchi, L. Choulier, J. Jubréaux, J. Pierson, A. Reinhard, V. Jouan-Hureaux, A. Chateau, S. Acherar, C. Frochot, F. Lux, O. Tillement, M. Barberi-Heyob (2020). "Multiscale selectivity and in vivo biodistribution of NRP-1-targeted theranostic AGuIX nanoparticles for PDT of glioblastoma". Int. J. Nanomedecine, 15, 8739-8758.

[36] H.-N. Pham, A. Arrault, N. Vanthuyne, S. Acherar (2020). "Enantiopure ethyl 2,3-dibromopropionate: Enantioselective synthesis vs. preparative HPLC enantioseparation of racemate on multigram scale". Chirality, 32, 1045-1052.

[35] A. Moussaron, Z. Youssef, A. Ben Mihoub, R. Vanderesse, C. Frochot, S. Acherar (2020). Chapter 5 "Dual Imaging-Photodynamic Therapy Anticancer Theranostic Nanoparticles". In S. Choi Editor (Ed.), Photonanotechnology for Therapeutics and Imaging (pp. 105-146). Elsevier (Invitation). Book Chapter

[34] A. Ben Mihoub, Z. Youssef, L. Colombeau, V. Juan-Hureaux, P. Arnoux, C. Frochot, R. Vanderesse, S. Acherar (2020). "Inclusion complex vs. conjugation of hydrophobic photosensitizers with β-cyclodextrin: Improved disaggregation and photodynamic therapy efficacy against glioblastoma cells". Mater. Sci. Eng. C, 109, 110604.



[33] Z. Youssef, N. Yesmurzayeva, L. Larue, V. Juan-Hureaux, L. Colombeau, P. Arnoux, S. Acherar, R. Vanderesse, C. Frochot (2019). "New targeted gold nanorods for the treatment of glioblastoma by photodynamic therapy". J. Clin. Med., 8, 2205 (Invitation, No APC).

[32] L. Larue, B. Myrzakhmetov, A. Ben Mihoub, A. Moussaron, N. Thomas, P. Arnoux, F. Baros, R. Vanderesse, S. Acherar, C. Frochot (2019). "Fighting hypoxia to Improve PDT". Pharmaceuticals, 12, 163 (Invitation, No APC).

[31] C. Mchiri, H. Nasri, C. Frochot, S. Acherar  (2019). "Distorted five-coordinate square pyramidal geometry of a cadmium(II) complex containing a 2-methylimidazole ligand: Crystal structure and axial ligand effect on spectroscopic properties". Polyhedron, 173, 114107.

[30] S. M. A. Soliman, M. El Founi, R. Vanderesse, S. Acherar, K. Ferji, J. Babin, J.-L. Six (2019). "Light-sensitive dextran-covered PNBA nanoparticles to continuously or discontinuously improve the drug release". Colloids Surf. B Biointerfaces, 182, 110393.



[29] A. Ben Mihoub, L. Larue, A. Moussaron, Z. Youssef, L. Colombeau, F. baros, C. Frochot, R. Vanderesse, S. Acherar (2018). "Use of cyclodextrins in anticancer photodynamic therapy treatment". Molecules, 23, 1936 (Invitation, No APC).

[28] E. Romero, R.-O. Moussodia, B. Jamart-Grégoire, S. Acherar (2018). "Synthesis and conformational analysis of 1:1 [α/α-Nα-Bn-hydrazino] and 1:1 [α-Nα-Bn-hydrazino/α] trimers: Determination of the Δδ value for the γ-turn structuration". Eur. J. Org. Chem., 4754-4761.

[27] L. Larue, A. Ben Mihoub, Z. Youssef, L. Colombeau, S. Acherar, J. C. André, P. Arnoux, F. Baros, M. Vermandel, C. Frochot (2018). "Using X-rays in photodynamic therapy: an overview". Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 17, 1612-1650 (Invitation).

[26] Z. Youssef, L. Colombeau, N. Yesmurzayeva, F. Baros, R. Vanderesse, T. Hamieh, J. Toufaily, C. Frochot, T. Roques-Carmes, S. Acherar (2018). "Dye-sensitized nanoparticles for heterogeneous photocatalysis: Cases studies with TiO2, ZnO, fullerene and graphene for water purification". Dyes Pigm., 159, 47-71.

[25] A. Ben Mihoub, B. Saidat, Y. Bal, C. Frochot, R. Vanderesse, S. Acherar (2018). "Development of new ionic gelation strategy: Towards the preparation of new monodisperse and stable hyaluronic acid/β-cyclodextrin-grafted chitosan nanoparticles as drug delivery carriers for doxorubicin". Front. Mater. Sci., 12, 83-94.

[24] M. El Founi, S. Mehawed Abdellatif Soliman, R. Vanderesse, S. Acherar, E. guedon, I. Chevalot, J. Babin, J.-L. Six (2018). "Light-sensitive dextran-covered PNBA nanoparticles as triggered drug delivery systems: Formulation, characteristics and cytotoxicity". J. Colloid Interface Sci., 514, 289-298.



[23] Z. Youssef, R. Vanderesse, L. Colombeau, B. Baros, T. Roques-Carmes, C. Frochot, H. Wahab, J. Toufaily, T. Hamieh, S. Acherar, A. Mohd Gazzali (2017). "The application of titanium dioxide, zinc dioxide, fullerene, and graphene nanoparticles in photodynamic therapy". Cancer Nano., 8:6.

[22]  R.-O. Moussodia, E. Romero, E. Wenger, B. Jamart-Grégoire, S. Acherar (2017). "Self-organization ability of chiral Nα-substituted, Nβ-Boc protected α-hydrazino acetamides in the crystal and solution states". J. Org. Chem., 82, 9937-9945.

[21] M. Mehawed Abdellatif, S. Acherar (2017). "Low-cost and multi-gram scale synthesis of chiral Nβ-Boc protected α-Nα-hydrazino diesters". Tetrahedron Lett., 58, 1216-1218.

[20] A. Mohd Gazzali, L. Colombeau, P. Arnoux, H. A. Wahab, C. Frochot, R. Vanderesse, S. Acherar (2017). "Synthesis of mono-, di- and triporphyrin building blocks by click chemistry for photodynamic therapy application". Tetrahedron, 73, 532-541.

[19] A. Stallivieri, L. Colombeau, G. Jetpisbayeva, A. Moussaron, B. Myrzakhmetov, P. Arnoux, S. Acherar, R. Vanderesse, C. Frochot (2017). "Folic acid conjugates with photosensitizer for cancer targeting in photodynamic therapy: synthesis and photophysical properties". Bioorg. Med. Chem., 25, 1-10.



[18]  E. Romero, R.-O. Moussodia, A. Kriznik, E. Wenger, S. Acherar, B. Jamart-Grégoire (2016). "Spontaneous self-assembly of fully protected ester 1:1 [α/α-Nα-Bn-hydrazino] pseudodipeptides into a twisted parallel β-sheet in the crystal state". J. Org. Chem., 81, 9037-9045. 

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[16] X. Solimando, C. Lherbier, J. Babin, C. Arnal-Herault, E. Romero, S. Acherar, B. Jamart-Grégoire, D. Barth, D. Roizard, A. Jonquières (2016). "Pseudopeptide bioconjugates additives for CO2 separation membranes". Polym. Int., 65, 1464-1473.

[15] L. Colombeau, S. Acherar, F. Baros, P. Arnoux, A. Mohd Gazzali, K. Zaghdoudi, M. Toussaint, R. Vanderesse, C. Frochot (2016). "Inorganic Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy". Top. Curr. Chem., 370, 113-134 (Invitation). Book Chapter

[14] A. Mohd Gazzali, M. Lobry, L. Colombeau, S. Acherar, H. Azaïs, S. Mordon, P. Arnoux, F. Baros, R. Vanderesse, C. Frochot (2016). "Stability of folic acid under several parameters". Eur. J. Pharm. Sci., 93, 419-430.



[13] E. E. Kamarulzaman, A. Mohd Gazzali, S. Acherar, C. Frochot, M. Barberi-Heyob, C. Boura, P. Chaimbault, E. Sibille, H. A. Wahab, R. Vanderesse (2015). "New peptide-conjugated chlorin-type photosensitizer targeting neuropilin-1 for anti-vascular targeted photodynamic therapy".  Int. J. Mol. Sci., 16, 24059-24080 (Invitation).

[12] S. Acherar, L. Colombeau, C. Frochot, R. Vanderesse (2015). "Synthesis of porphyrin, chlorin and phthalocyanine derivatives by azide-alkyne click chemistry". Curr. Med. Chem., 22, 3217-3254.

[11] A. Stallivieri, F. Le Guern, R. Vanderesse, E. Meledje, G. Jori, C. Frochot, S. Acherar (2015). "Synthesis and photophysical properties of the photoactivatable cationic porphyrin 5-(4-N-dodecylpyridyl)-10,15,20-tri(4-N-methylpyridyl)-21H,23H-porphyrin tetraiodide for anti-malaria PDT". Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 14, 1290-1295.

[10] R.-O. Moussodia, S. Acherar, E. Romero, C. Didierjean, B. Jamart-Grégoire (2015). "Evidence of Nanotubular Self-organization in solution and solid states of heterochiral cyclo 1:1 [α/α-Nα-Bn-hydrazino]mers series".  J. Org. Chem., 80, 3022-3029.



[9] S. Acherar, A. Salaün, P. Le Grel, B. Le Grel, B. Jamart-Grégoire (2013). "Conformational behaviour of 1:1 [α/α-hydrazino]mer, 1:1 [α/aza-β3-amino]mer and 1:1 [aza-β3-amino/α]mer series : three new series of foldamers". Eur. J. Org. Chem., 5603-5613.

[8] R. Turgis, I. Billault, S. Acherar, J. Augé, M.-C. Scherrmann (2013). "Total synthesis of high loading capacity PEG-based supports: Evaluation and improvement of the process by use of ultrafiltration and PEG as a solvent". Green Chem. 2013, 15, 1016-1029.



[7] R.-O Moussodia, S. Acherar, A. Bordessa, R. Vanderesse, B. Jamart-Grégoire (2012). "An expedient and short synthesis of chiral α-hydrazinoesters: synthesis and conformational analysis of 1:1 [α/α-Nα‐hydrazino]oligomers". Tetrahedron, 68, 4682-4692.



[6] S. Acherar, B. Jamart-Grégoire (2009). "Efficient synthesis of Nα-Me, Nβ-Boc protected α‐hydrazinoacids: Access to 1:1:1 [Nα‐Me α‐hydrazino/α/Nα‐Me α‐hydrazino]trimers". Tetrahedron Lett., 50, 6377-6379.



[5] F.-X. Felpin, C. Lory, H. Sow, S. Acherar (2007). "Practical and efficient entry to isoflavones by Pd(0)/C -mediated Suzuki-Miyaura reaction. Total synthesis of geranylated isoflavones". Tetrahedron, 63, 3010-3016.



[4] S. Acherar, G. Audran, F. Fotiadu, H. Monti (2004). "Lipase-promoted access to phenolic herbertane-type sesquiterpenes: (+)-1,14-herbertenediol, (-)-α-herbertenol, (-)-herbertenediol and their enantiomers".  Eur. J. Org. Chem., 5092-5099.

[3] S. Acherar, G. Audran, F. Cecchin, H. Monti (2004). "Enantioselective synthesis of natural (-)-tochuinyl acetate, (-)-dihydrotochuinyl acetate and (+)-b-cuparenone using both enantiomers of the same building block". Tetrahedron, 60, 5907-5912.



[2] S. Acherar, G. Audran, N. Vanthuyne, H. Monti (2003). "Use of lipase-catalyzed kinetic resolution for the enantioselective approach toward sesquiterpenes containing quaternary centers: The cuparane family". Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 14, 2413-2418.

[1] G. Audran, S. Acherar, H. Monti (2003). "Enantioselective synthesis of 3-methylcarbapentofuranose derivatives, based on a chemoenzymatic procedure". Eur. J. Org. Chem., 92-98.

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